Lil' Buddy's Diary

I always wake up before Boss, because Boss stays up late in his lab every night.

In the morning, I go hunting or fishing. Boss likes to eat fresh!

Around the time Boss wakes up, I am already done preparing the food.

During the afternoon, we go gather ingredients in the woods.

Sometimes, Boss runs into trouble...

... but that's what I'm here for.

Usually, I win the fights, but it's never easy. I get injured a lot.

But that's ok, Boss always takes care of me afterwards.

At night, sometimes Boss works in the lab, and sometimes we work on my "education". Boss thinks it's important I know how to read and write.

I can at least spell out Boss' name!

Studying is very tiring though, so usually I go to sleep right after our session. But not Boss, he stays up working on his formulas. He's still working on a way to turn a mountain into gold.

I know he will suceed one day, and I want to be by his side when he does.

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