All the art in this page was made by different people, and the link to their socials should be under the drawing, unless I've lost contact with them... They're not chronologically ordered, because I can't exactly recall when I received them... BEWARE, SOME NSFW HERE!

My Dota Secret Santa gift, from 2014... I don't know who drew it (aside from the name Moon), sorry!

Dota Secret Santa gift, from 2015. Drawn by Hyde937 but coloured by Cookieflips.

Gift art by Shelzie

Art trade with MightyRacoon.

Gift art by Far-Yale.

2017 Secret Santa gift by Roura.

2018 Dota Secret Santa gift by Marcel.

Gift art from Snowyvixen.

Gift art from Jessdel

Gift art from Blak.

Birthday giftart from Blak.

Gift art from Archwig.

Gift art from Pio.

Gift art and art trades with Feulin.

Gift art from Lune.

Gift art from Skullspliter.

2020 Dota Secret Santa gift by Anjael.

A Timbersaw I commissioned Uru to draw.

2021 Dota Secret Santa gifts by Albuffalo.

Beware, deer tits!

An art trade with Daineris. Warning, her twitter is .

Art trade with Sasen.

Art trades with Jo. The Alchemist doodle page was not done for me specifically, but I'll still put it up because I love it~

Art trade with Oli.

Beware, Oglodi fucking!

Axe x Disruptor I commissioned Kallian to draw.

Birthday giftart from Forthecubs.