Welcome creatures! To the web's FIRST Dota 2 website!*


This page is perpetually under construction, but most sections are done, so explore around! Updates are slow going because I am busy. Busy doin' what?


That said, I HAVE been dedicating an embarrassing amount of time to this here website, so... pretty please sign the guestbook, let me know what you think of it?


24.02.2025 - I've finished my A Hero a Day Project! Go check it out~

08.02.2025 - I fixed the audio files in the Sound Files page as well as the Terrorblade to the right of this here. There's also new art in the gallery and one more page in the A Hero a Day Project page.

05.02.2025 - More text porn over at the fics page. Ohoh.

26.01.2025 - Because I am rehosting a lot of my art, some stuff got broken. And I fixed it. That's all. Oh, and there's another smutty fanfiction in the fics page.

20.01.2025 - First update of the year! There's new art in the gallery for you to check out~. Also, it seems like all the sounds broke in the last month, sorry about that, I still need to find a better host for them. And in the meanwhile, I've been rehosting the art too, so... sit tight, a lot will be cleaned up in the next few weeks.

previous updates >