Update Log


13.12.2023 - Long time no see! I of course haven't forgotten my website... Just life getting in the way, grr. Anyway, today is Timbersaw's birthday, so obviously, there's a new pic in the 2023 gallery! Or, you know, in his specially dedicated gallery for his b-day pics. Same pic, just posted in two different galleries. Enjoy!

28.10.2023 - I cleaned up the gift art page a little, and added a new drawing I received in an art trade. Basically, added links for artists that were not properly linked. After that, I also added some more artists in the links page. Oh, and one new drawing in the 2023 gallery!

08.10.2023 - Some MORE DRAWINGS in the 2023 gallery. There is also a link below this box, with last year's updates. If... for some reason you wanna know.

05.09.2023 - Some new drawings in the 2023 gallery. Not much else!

19.07.2023 - Uploaded a couple of drawings to the 2023 gallery. Sorry for the lack of updates, work is killing me. But I'm still here! Oh, there's also a new link in the toybox.

21.04.2023 - Another part of the Dota Secret Santa gallery done. Check out 2020's entries!

08.04.2023 - It's the one year anniversary of Pirra's Dota Haven!! Whoohoo~!!

06.04.2023 - Added some new drawings in the 2023 gallery.

11.03.2023 - I added some new games and screenshots in the Toybox section! Go check them out~.

27.02.2023 - There are some new drawings in the 2023 gallery. I'm still working on the Dota Secret Santa page, you can now see the 2022 and 2021 gifts in full!

06.01.2023 - Happy New Year! I've been working on a new section, the Dota Secret Santa. It's not ready yet, but the 2022 section is finished, you can check it out!


26.12.2022 - To close the year, I posted my part of the Secret Santa art trade in the gallery. Hope everyone had good holidays, onto 2023!!

13.12.2022 - HEY! IT'S TIMBERSAW'S 10TH BIRTHDAY! GO CHECK OUT THE NEW ILLUSTRATION CELEBRATING IT! Right here~ Oh, there's also a new section, but it's empty for now. Sorry!

07.12.2022 - I've added some links in the links section to some Dota2 artists. Check them out! I'm hoping to finish this website completely this month!

26.11.2022 - Check out the toybox section, I added two new links, one of which leads to a cool little game! Oh, also, I switch Timbersaw and Enigma around (the pixel ones you see on the sidebars) because Timber was making it hard to scroll, lol...

18.11.2022 - New link in the toybox section. I am usually very busy this time of the year, so don't expect many updates...

01.11.2022 - New video playlist on the toybox section. Have fun perusing old YouTube Dota videos!

31.10.2022 - Happy Halloween! There's new stuff in the for you section: blinkies, and my Miitopia Dota2 Miis!

26.10.2022 - Check out the cute creeps at the top here! Ah, I also tweaked some pages, nothing major. Most links are working now, explore around!

17.10.2022 - There's a landing page now!

16.10.2022 - The for you section is now available, although not everything is in it yet. But check it out anyway! I've also cleaned up the code a little, and added a link in the Links and Credits page.

14.10.2022 - The gift art gallery is now running! Go there to check out what other talented artists have gifted me throughout the years~. Beware though, there's one NSFW drawing.

05.10.2022 - There's a new drawing in the gallery (in the 2022 section) and I've upgraded some graphics and fixed some links. Still basically cleaning this up. Hey, don't forget to sign my guestbook to motivate me!

04.09.2022 - Still hard at work uploading everything onto the gallery. I drew a lot of trash over the years...

01.09.2022 - Been working on the gallery! Go check it out! There's also some new text in some sections, but who cares.

31.08.2022 - I, huh, logged in and corrected some typos lol. Still haven't had the time to add all I'd like. Also, you losers still haven't signed my guestbook. Reported.

08.04.2022 - Site launched! At this stage, it was just a meme repository for my friends.
